Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Southborough cleanup continued......

Today, I am back at the property in Southborough, but this time there is only Rich with me. Rich will be mulching, while I repair some bricks that were torn up by the plows during the winter. I will also be trimming the Crabapple tree's in the front of the property and "tipping" back the White Pines going up the driveway.

(pic is close up of weeping cherry)

Once I am finished, I will leave Rich to continue mulching and go to Framingham to pick up 2 yards of loam, so that we can fill in the area's damaged by the snow plows this winter. We will be putting down some seed also. What we are using to day is Shade Seed from Lesco. It is comprised of; 44.2% Lacrosse Chewing Fescue, 34.65% FoxFire Creeping, 9.92% Shamrock Kentucky Bluegrass and 9.88% Gotham Hard Fescue.

Hopefully the owner will water this in every day so that she has a chance of seeing some growth before the house is put up for sale. Still kinda cool around here, though. We ended up not having enough to finish the job and will return once again, tomorrow to finsh this project.

1 comment:

  1. oh, i love your up close picture of the weeping cherry. i actually also love your side picture, that of the cat guarding the daffodils.
