Saturday, May 2, 2009

Sod and overseed at Babson College property.

I had a new kid helping me today, Guillerme, at the Babson College property that is used by the President of the college.

We are going to be sodding an area along the front driveway, along the back driveway and the section between the 2 perenial beds which you can see in the pic at the left. We will also be spreading loam and seed behind the perenial gardens.

Hopefully this seed will be up and growing by May 15th. That is, when the graduation party is held, at this home. There will be a large outdoor tent, put over the blue stone patio area, for refreshments for the graduating class. This is a yearly project for us.


  1. you always take great pictures of the places you work on. i wish you well in your hopes that the seeds will be up and growing by May 15th.

  2. What a lovely lawn he will have in time for graduation.

  3. Beautiful looking yard. Just stopping by love your blog.
